Monday, November 2, 2009

Mount Eeverest

Mt. Everest. Soaring almost five and a half miles into the sky, piercing the jet stream with its iconic summit and blanketed in colossal glaciers, few mountains have the power to conjure up as many notions of history, legacy, excitement, and challenge as this mountain does. Embarking on an expedition to Mt. Everest is often the pinnacle of a climbers' career and is quite simply an experience beyond description.
"The whole trip, international travel, sightseeing, challenging climbing, good teammates, great guide, from start to finish it was an amazing trip."
— Rich H.
Rainier Mountaineering, Inc. is pleased to return to Mt. Everest in the spring of 2010, bringing our 40 years of guiding excellence to the world's highest peak. RMI's small, exclusive team is led by tenured RMI guide and Everest veteran Dave Hahn and features one of the best climber to guide ratio on the mountain. Our expedition operates with a ratio of two climbers to one RMI guide and a one to one climber to Sherpa ratio. This smaller ratio allows our climbers to build solid rapports with their guides and fellow team members, creating the strongest team possible.
RMI's guiding approach on Everest differs notably from many other guide services as we purposefully choose to keep our team smaller than many other expeditions. Instead of running big expeditions with a large number of climbers, we focus our attention on leading a more intimate climbing team, concentrating our resources on each individual to ensure the safest and most enjoyable experience possible for each of our climbers. Unlike the fragmentation that seems to be inherent to big expeditions, this smaller team facilitates stronger team dynamics, better communication and individualized attention. We share our meals around one table, discuss route and weather conditions together, and we plan and approach the climb as a close-knit team.
Climbing Mt. Everest is one of the biggest adventures and serious undertakings for any mountaineer, and requires a great deal of preparation. We ask that you carefully consider our 40 years of guiding experience, our strict standards of safety, and our drive to provide the highest level of comfort possible as you weigh your decision. We have rightfully earned the reputation as one of the most distinguished guide services in the world: we offer a high level of service, provide you with top-quality, experienced guides, and have an infrastructure that is entirely geared toward your individual safety

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