Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kandariya Mahadev Historical Tample in Khajuraho

Travel to westwards from the Lakshmana Temple, along the garden path one comes to the largest and most handsome monument at Khajuraho, the Historical Kandariya Mahadev Temple.Built in around 1025–1050 AD, this historical sandstone structure (like all the other temples built entirely without the use of cement and mortar) stands almost 30m above ground level and is as long as it is tall.The temple is dedicated to Shiva (the destroyer of the Hindu Trinity of Gods), with a linga (phallic representation of Lord Shiva) at the centre of the garbha griha (the womb or innermost chamber oThe Historical Temple SculpturesThe temple stairs lead to a platform decorated with rich sculpted figures of women in a variety of poses. There are women playing with a ball, some engaged in writing a letter, others applying make-up and absorbed in a multitude of other activities. On the southern and northern sides, between the balconies are the large-scale erotic panels. In fact the mithuna (sensuously carved erotic figures) on the Kandariya Mahadev include some of the most energetic eroticism to be seen at Khajuraho.Below the bands of the main body of the temple are smaller, narrower friezes depicting court life, the army, and processions of elephants and horses. This Khajuraho temple is can be approached by the eastern stairway that has the most fantastically ornate toran (frieze) of the entire group of temples. The floral toran is carved out of a single block of stone.f the temple).

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