Sunday, November 1, 2009

Importance of Travelling

The importance of travelling
Bolzano 1. 02. 2003
Travelling is something that can open our mind...
We need to travel to see faces different from the one that we always have around and to avoid the depression of being stuck in the same place.
Prices, companies, and offers. They4re so many! You can buy trips online, plan your trip, travel safely and with your pets.
It's natural to be nervous if you're going on a trip on your own for the first time or even with your friends for the first time. Especially if you've never done it before. If you travel on your own, you have to take care of yourself, probably know another language and another culture. There are different ways to travel. For example: by bicycle, airplane, car, ship, bus or train. If we go and look on the Internet for some information about travelling or something about another country, you can find so many news that you get a headache, and you forget what you wanted to looked for. `The future of travel & tourism - a future for everyone`.
Prices, companies, and offers. They're so many! Like for example: buying trips online, planning your trip, travelling safely and travelling with pets.
There are offers for everyone. People who want to relax on a beautiful beach, people who want to amuse themselves, go out and meet new people or for those who want to get to know a new culture, taste different food and discover new countrysides.
But unfortunately travelling costs very much. Especially if we catch an airplane and fly very far like to the U.S.A. But after the terroristic attacks on the Twin Towers in N.Y. and on a disco in Bali, where a lot of people were dancing, people are very afraid of travelling.
So the question of travelling sank, and a lot of people lost their work because there is not enough request. The consequence is that flying doesn't cost very much anymore. For example a flight from Florence to London costs only 19
We need to travel to change the sight of those who are around us and to avoid the depression of being always in the same place. Especially young people like to celebrate the beginning of a new year in a big city (like our friend Maria who is going to Berlin), In those cities all kinds of parties, fireworks and music are organized for everybody.
Tourism is very important for the inhabitants of a tourists' place or a big city. There are so many people who can live with the money earned by tourism. Benefits go for example to tourists' guides, to people who have various and different shops and or who have restaurants and hotels. Without tourism the big, artistic cities, would die.
Finally I think that travelling is a big business for all. But it's also the most interesting, the one we'll never forget and the one through which we have the possibility to open our minds.
Have you ever thought about the differences that we can find travelling all over the world? Every time we can discover something new...!

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