Sunday, November 1, 2009

Important of Travel Ruls and Tips

Important Travel Rules and Tips

lost?After you’ve been traveling for awhile, you pick up some handy tips that you wouldn’t have known otherwise. These little written and unwritten rules help you navigate the road, blend in, save money, and not offend the locals. Here are some rules for travel that everyone should know and I wish I had known when I started:

Learn Some Local Phrases
- You don’t need to master the language but learning a few phrases will show some interest, bring a smile to a locals face, and get you a much friendlier response.

Squat Toilets are OK- Squat toilets are used around the world. Don’t be scared by them. Just remember to hover well.

Avoid Using Your Left Hand- In many parts of the world, the left hand is used to wipe after using the above toilet. Using the left to shake hands, eat, or do whatever can be seen as dirty. Avoid using it in some parts of the world.

Tip According to Local Practices- Not everywhere in the world tips. Tips according to the way the locals do. Sometimes it can be insulting if you leave money.

It’s O.K. to Make Return Visits- Just don’t make it the only place you visit. I’ve been to Holland five times in the last three years. But to go to a place 100 times and exclude everywhere else is foolish. There are a lot of good places in the world. I know you have your likes but give the other chance too.

Don’t Claim to be an Expert- No matter how many times you’ve been to Paris, unless you’ve lived there for a long time, you are not an expert. You just know more than others.

Travel Alone- Traveling alone is something everyone should do once. You’ll learn more about yourself in than any other time in your life.

Take Cash- Credit cards are not accepted everywhere and, in many parts of the world, there is a 3% service charge on top of what your company may charge. Don’t get too tied to the plastic.

Avoid Moneychangers- ATMs give much better rates than the exchange bureaus you see in airports or around cities.

Always Visit Tourist Information Centers- These offices know all the information in the city, know what is going on, and usually have some discounts available. Don’t skip them.

Don’t Live by Your Guidebook- Take the information in guidebooks with a grain of salt. It’s a bit dated by the time the book hits the shelves, the prices can be a bit off, and many restaurants and hostels aren’t even in them. Use them just as basic guide, not as a bible.

Locals are Happy to Help
- Don’t be afraid to ask strangers for help. If you don’t speak the language, there are plenty of ways to get across what you need. People are generally good and will always help you if you are in trouble. You can always count on the kindness of strangers right?

Take All the Random Invites and Excursions- The random trips you take with the random people you meet will be remembered more than anything you planned for months.

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